Teachers from the Dinapigue National High School (DNHS) personally witnessed the best environmental practices of Dinapigue Mining Corporation (DMC) during an educational tour of its mine site on October 10.

Teachers from the Dinapigue National High School (DNHS) personally witnessed the best environmental practices of Dinapigue Mining Corporation (DMC) during an educational tour of its mine site on October 10.

The tour began with the mandatory safety and security orientation conducted by Safety Engineer Devotee Lai Daiwey, who reminded the guests to wear their personal protective equipment while within the premises of the company.

Community Relations Manager Catherine Filler briefed the participants with a presentation of DMC’s Social Development and Management Program to highlight the company’s role in community-building.

At the end of the presentations, Project Site OIC and Geology Manager Romulo Subong personally welcomed the teachers to DMC.

The DNHS teachers first stopped at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) where they witnessed DMC’s waste management program first-hand and saw how recycled glass and plastics can be integrated in landscaping through the Envi Department’s “Trashformation” and Eco-brick projects.

After their visit to the MRF, they then made their way to the Nursery where DMC keeps its tree seedling for its future reforestation efforts.

Next on the teachers’ itinerary was a short trek to one of Dinapigue’s hidden gems – Nangayuman Falls. After taking their photos at the falls, they then proceeded to the Agro-Farm where they learned how DMC is able to practice agriculture despite the harsh mineralized soil of the area.

Joemar Dela Cruz, DMC Environmental Manager, said “visits like these are an important part of community engagement because it lets our stakeholders witness for themselves what responsible mining is all about.”

In keeping with company tradition where visitors plant seedlings to commemorate their visit to the company, the tour culminated in a tree planting ceremony at the newly landscaped Pacific View Area.

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