Environment: Caring for the Planet

We believe responsible growth coexists with sustainable development. We know that part of our responsibility is to safeguard, restore, and enhance the environment in which we operate. Through dedicated Environmental Protection and Enhancement Programs (EPEP), we ensure that we leave behind meaningful initiatives for the people and the planet

Impact to SDGs

Themes and Goals


E1. Greenhouse Gases

10% Emission reduction by 2025 and 42% by 2030; Net zero carbon target by 2050


Greenhouse Gas and Non-Greenhouse Gas

Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corporation is involved with establishing the second Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station (CAAQMS) in Palawan. This initiative involves the implementation of a data acquisition system and real-time air quality results that will be made available to the public. Such a system intends to modernize the evaluation of the current state of the surrounding air quality in our sites, allowing for the development of effective and appropriate initiatives towards achieving cleaner and healthier air for communities both presently and in the future.


Avoided emission


Net Zero Carbon by 2050

E2. Biodiversity Protection

No net loss impact by 2025; Net positive by 2030


Biodiversity Protection

We work tirelessly to safeguard biodiversity within our operational areas, acknowledging the value of natural habitats to various flora and fauna species, some of which are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) and national conservation lists.

We fully support the government’s National Greening Program, and we continue to go beyond what is required under the government-mandated annual Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program.


Percentage of land requirement biodiversity management plan

798 ha

Habitats protected or restored

E3. Water Management

Net positive water impact by 2030


Water Management

Several of our mine sites created a Water Management Plan that is supplemented by several water conservation policies and practices. For instance, the landfill in mine sites is layered with high-definition polyethylene to provide impermeability and water containment while wastewater undergoes filtration through silt curtains and containment ponds before being reused for dust suppression and product washing. In our solar farm, water withdrawal for daily operations is regularly monitored to immediately mitigate any negative changes.

682,314.09 m³

Recycled wastewater

572,297.07 WMT

Collected silt


E4. Waste Management

Circular economy in all camp/townsite by 2030


Waste Management

We continually practice upcycling and we place a high value on technologies that help us manage our wastes effectively, such as the Department of Science and Technology's (DOST) bioreactor, vermicomposting, and mulching for biodegradable wastes; the use of Materials Recovery Facilities (MRF) for recyclable and reusable wastes; and using sanitary landfill for residual wastes.

Our Group fully support the global waste reduction campaign, reflected in our implementation and adherence to a solid waste management plan.


Percentage of waste diverted from disposal

E5. Energy Efficiency

100% Clean energy by 2050


Energy Efficiency

We have implemented practical resource management strategies to minimize total energy consumption across our Group and promote efficient use of resources. We continuously monitor energy consumption, which is the basis for designing proper energy management measures to achieve efficiency. This also helps in building strategies for the GHG reduction target particularly emissions from fossil fuel use.

143.77M kWh

Renewable energy generated

E6. Climate Resilience

Client resilient operations by 2030


Climate Resilience

We recognize the synergy between the communities and the environment where we operate, both in the short and long term. While our Group’s climate-related risk assessment is still underway, we have begun to include Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in our disclosure reporting.

NAC OpCos bag Presidential award for Responsible Mining

Claudio In Action