Mission, Vision and Core Values

The Company’s Mission, Vision and Core Values are formulated by the Board of Directors (Board) in line with the Board’s responsibility to set the Company’s direction and to provide strategic leadership, policies and guidelines to foster the long-term success for the best interests of its shareholders.

The Company’s Mission, Vision and Core Values are reviewed by the Board periodically.

Governance Statement

The Company is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance as articulated in its Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Manual on Corporate Governance (CG Manual), Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Code), and pertinent laws, rules and regulations.

The Board, Officers and employees of the Company commit themselves to the principles of sound corporate governance provided in the CG Manual and acknowledge that the same shall serve as a guide in the attainment of the Company’s corporate goals, the creation of value for all its shareholders, and in sustaining the Company’s long-term viability.

The Board likewise approved and adopted the Code in furtherance of its commitment to good and effective corporate governance. The Code applies to Directors, Officers and employees of Nickel Asia Corporation and its subsidiaries, who are all expected to maintain high ethical standards of conduct and to comply fully with applicable laws and governmental regulations. It is designed to ensure consistency in how they conduct themselves within the Company, and outside of the Company in their dealings with all stakeholders.