We produce two types of nickel ore, namely saprolite ore and limonite ore. Our saprolite ore comes in two types: high-grade and mid-grade, while our limonite ore are high-iron and low-grade.
Most of our high-grade saprolite ore are sold to Pacific Metals Co., Ltd. (PAMCO), who use the material as feed for its ferronickel smelter. Our mid-grade saprolite ore are sold to Japanese and Chinese clients. Our Chinese clients use the material as feed for electric furnaces for production of high- and medium-grade nickel pig iron (NPI).
Our high-iron limonite ore are sold to Chinese customers who use the material as feed for blast furnaces for production of low-grade NPI. Finally, low-grade limonite ore are utilized as feed for the Taganito and Coral Bay plants, respectively.
436 mWMT*
Total nickel resources as of 2022
15.625% and 10%
Interest in Coral Bay and Taganito HPAL plants, respectively.
Renewable Energy
Through Emerging Power Inc., we are engaged in creating renewable energy sources via solar and geothermal. In July 2022, we also signed a joint venture with Shell Investments B.V. to jointly develop, own, operate, and maintain onshore renewable projects in the Philippines. The joint venture, called Green Light Holdings, Inc., will also be the exclusive platform for creating utility scale grid-connected solar PV and onshore wind and energy storage systems.
172 MW
Current solar capacity
1 GW
Installed renewable capacity by 2028
Where We Are