Governance: Purposeful Governance
We believe that everyone in our organization creates an impact. Each employee, regardless of his or her title, has the capacity to play a central role in implementing and monitoring operations and providing valuable feedback to the senior management and the Board. Through this culture of vigilance and accountability, we consistently revisit and refine our corporate plans and go beyond what is asked of us.
Impact to SDGs

Themes and Goals
G1. Corporate Governance
Inclusive leadership and Management
Corporate Governance
We are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance. Led by a Board whose actions and decisions are anchored on the core values of responsibility, leadership, fairness, integrity, respect, safety, and teamwork, we ensure that the policies and guidelines governing our officers and employees are in accordance with the law and foster long-term success in the best interests of its shareholders.
Number of female officers and members of the Board
G2. Corporate Behavior
Strong organizational culture
Corporate Behavior
Guided by its vision-mission statement, we recognize that good corporate governance is central to our longevity and success. We have a Code of Ethics that sets the professional and ethical conduct guidelines for directors and employees and iterates our firm stance against illegal and irregular activities.
Incidents of corruption and labor code violations
Approved and
established Anti-Bribery
and Anti-Corruption
G3. Incident/Risk
Management Systems
Robust and comprehensive risk management systems
Incident/Risk Management Systems
The NAC Risk Management Sector was established to oversee the implementation of the Company's Integrated Enterprise Risk Management (IERM). As part of this initiative, each subsidiary has a dedicated Risk Officer to ensure that everyone is guided and involved in the implementation of the Enterprise Risk Management. With the NAC IERM, NAC hopes to build the overall resilience of the organization through the sustainable, strategic, effective, and efficient management of risks.
Case of data breach in 2023