Hinatuan Mining Corp. (HMC) implemented its Food for Work Program (FWP) recently to help provide food for the residents of its host communities which are being affected by the off-season mining operations.

Hinatuan Mining Corp. (HMC) implemented its Food for Work Program (FWP) recently to help provide food for the residents of its host communities which are being affected by the off-season mining operations.

An annual program of the company, FWP is conducted simultaneously in the month of December in HMC’s three host communities—Barangay Talavera, Sitio Bagong Silang and Sitio Campandan.

Activities conducted by host community residents during the FWP include cleaning their environment and nearby surroundings through coastal and drainage canal clean-up, street sweeping, and waste segregation.

The program encourages host community residents to actively participate in taking care of their environment and at the same time helps in eliminating expectation of dole outs from the company through participation in voluntary community service.

In return, HMC provides food to participating residents in exchange of their services rendered during the activities. Each household received 15 kilos of rice for their participation.

“As the one in charge of health and sanitation committee, I am very thankful to HMC for the activity,” said Barangay Talavera Kagawad Jean Bernadette D. Lito.

She also added that, “we appreciate the support provided by HMC to our community, especially during this time that there is a pandemic.”

Apart from the food for work program, Kagawad Lito was also grateful for all the help extended by HMC to her community.

“We received a lot of assistance from HMC including rice, canned goods, noodles and even seeds that we can plant in our backyards. All of us Barangay Officials of Talavera are thankful to HMC for their help because our constituents are the ones who benefited the most from their assistance,” said Kagawad Lito.

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