Looking back, I have grown and learned so much at Surigao del Norte State University (SNSU). I never thought that I would actually accomplish my educational dreams and be successful in life. It always seems impossible until it has been done!

Despite the doubt and confusion from other people who were unsure whether I’ll be able to make it or not, I am proud of myself for finishing my college degree. I channeled all the negativity as motivation, and I was able to overcome my fear of failing and being criticized. All these made me stronger and made me a better individual. That fact alone has made me value my dreams more and I feel empowered.

Indeed, what a wonderful four-year rocket ship ride! Years seem like days and I can’t believe my school days are over. My collegiate stint was filled with the toughest roads and colors that made it both exciting and fulfilling.

As my college odyssey closes, I bid farewell to all the memories I've created. I bid farewell to all the sleepless nights and stressful days writing my thesis, assignments, and projects. I bid farewell to the experiences that are to be remembered and cherished. I bid farewell to all the tears I shed because of all the hardships I’ve encountered.

A big thanks to Nickel Asia Corporation-Hinatuan Mining Corporation (NAC-HMC) for supporting my college years. I wouldn’t be able to attain this memorable achievement in life without their assistance and financial support. Thank you for your assistance during that time of my life. It is greatly appreciated. The Lord has blessed us.

And thank you for having such a wonderful program, SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (SDMP). May God richly bless this organization and all the people who support it and work with it.

To my loving family, especially my supportive parents, thank you for your sincere and undying love, support, and care. Thank you for being there through every storm that I've had to face, for always patiently reminding me that anything can be possible if I trust in all my capabilities and put a hundred percent effort into it. You have been my greatest motivation for this Success!! I LOVE YOU ALL.

Some of the most important learnings I received when I accomplished my education and got my degree in Mechanical Technology is helping other people who are in need. I always strive to be a kind and helpful person all my life and I knew when I grew up I was going to become someone successful in life.

I know it will take a lot of hard work to become successful in my career and I will experience many different things and changes in my life as well. Having to adjust to a new environment and to have homework again after many years, I will have to manage my time more carefully and wisely.

I was always scared to further my education and did not really think I could do it. I decided to just go for it and I am so glad I did because I know now that I have overcome that fear and I feel as if I can accomplish anything and everything. During my time, I had to overcome anxiety when it came to exams. I used to put so much pressure on myself. My placement year massively helped me prepare for the working world and helped me understand what to expect once I’m about to start my career.

All the hard work paid off and I have finished my degree. Thank you Lord for the guidance on this journey, and may you guide me as I partake on the next journey to look for a job in this organization so that I can help my family after all of their sacrifices.


To God be all the Glory!!

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