Nickel Asia Corp. (NAC) is looking forward to contributing to policy and industry development discussions as it joined the country’s largest group of nickel mines.

Nickel Asia Corp. (NAC) is looking forward to contributing to policy and industry development discussions as it joined the country’s largest group of nickel mines.

Listed natural resources development firm NAC has sealed its membership with Philippine Nickel Industry Association (PNIA), a non-stock non-profit association of large-scale nickel firms in the country.

Established in 2012, PNIA was organized to be the single voice of the industry in championing and positioning the nickel development sector as a globally competitive and responsible driver of inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the Philippines.

In joining PNIA, Ryan Rene Jornada, NAC Vice President for Public Affairs and Government Relations said NAC would actively participate in the discussions that the association is spearheading especially concerning the areas of responsible mining and value added processing.

“We look forward to contributing to policy and industry development discussions that PNIA has been spearheading, particularly in the areas of responsible mining and value added processing, especially as the government aims to raise the value of the country’s nickel exports,” said Jornada.

According to Jornada, NAC’s membership in PNIA “came at a right time because like us, it is also committed to responsible stewardship.”

“As NAC celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, we continue to aggressively push for initiatives that would improve our operations and our processes,” he added.

With NAC’s membership in PNIA, the association’s total nickel production is likely to increase. Overall, PNIA has 20 members.

Based on 2022 data from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), PNIA members now represent over 70 percent of the country’s total nickel production.

Last year, PNIA’s seven company-members delivered more than 39 percent of the country’s total production of nickel ore which is equivalent to 13.9 million metric tons (MMT), while NAC contributed 36 percent or 11.9 MMT.

Other notable members of PNIA include Berong Nickel Corporation and Platinum Group Metals Corporation – both of which have received the coveted Presidential Mineral Industry Environmental Award from the Office of the President of the Philippines.

NAC brings to the table over a decade of industry experience and best practices from operating five nickel mines namely Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corp., Hinatuan Mining Corp., Taganito Mining Corp., Cagdianao Mining Corp., and Dinapigue Mining Corp.

It is also engaged in exploration projects as well as two downstream processing plants.

PNIA and Global Ferronickel Holdings Inc. President Dante Bravo was delighted to welcome Nickel Asia to their fold as this strengthens their position in helping the government accelerate the growth of the mining industry.

“We will be pursuing measures that will enhance our competitiveness and sustainability efforts as an industry which are essential to attracting foreign investments,” he said.

Marking its first participation as a member, NAC participated in a conference spearheaded by PNIA. It serves as a flagship project aimed at fostering meaningful discussions, sharing knowledge, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.

With the theme "Shaping Tomorrow, Together," the conference aims to pave the way for increased investments in the nickel sector, specifically in nickel mining and value-added processing.

Moreover, it addresses gaps in environmental protection and rehabilitation, all while striving to maximize the positive impact of mining on local communities, empowering them to be more self-sufficient even beyond the lifespan of mines.

Participants include representatives from government agencies, business chambers, foreign missions, international development organizations, private sector companies, academic institutions, and media outlets.

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