These days, many ailments (both physical and psychological) have surfaced, brought about by disturbed routines and constricted movement of people during the quarantine. All these have contributed to a gloomy atmosphere, a consequence of the stand still the pandemic has brought to the lives of many.

Worldwide, people are looking for alternatives to pass time; and edible gardening has become the go-to activity of people cooped up in their homes.

Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corporation (RTNMC) through the initiative of the Mine Environmental Protection and Enhancement Department (MEPED) is not far behind the trend. It launched the initial stages of its “Edible Gardening Project” on April 2, to provide an alternative wellness activity during the quarantine.

This is a countermeasure to the “cabin-fever” that many will start to feel during this period.

Edible Landscaping is the use of vegetables, herbs and fruits as major planting materials in lieu of ornamental plants commonly utilized in conventional landscaping.

The project is the company’s latest endeavor to increase the greening efforts in the community as well as the productivity of open spaces in Barangay Rio Tuba.

It aims to promote self sufficiency, health and wellness, environmental stewardship and improve community aesthetics (by creating visually appealing areas on the project’s target location).

To increase the reach of the program, a contest will be launched on July 17 wherein all residents of Barangay Rio Tuba are encouraged to join and create their own edible backyard gardens.

The criteria for judging include crop quality, productivity (amount of harvest), sustainability (whether the crops are consumed or sold) and personal impact (effect of the gardening to the residents).

Through the project, they are expected to achieve a degree of food sufficiency and diversity; promote their community’s awareness on different ways to manage solid waste (e.g. composting); enhance community’s open spaces and improve the resident’s physical and mental well-being.

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