To empower local communities and foster skills development, Hinatuan Mining Corp. (HMC), a subsidiary of Nickel Asia Corp. (NAC), has joined forces with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Surigao del Norte Provincial Office to launch a specialized training program in Heavy Equipment Operation.

To empower local communities and foster skills development, Hinatuan Mining Corp. (HMC), a subsidiary of Nickel Asia Corp. (NAC), has joined forces with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Surigao del Norte Provincial Office to launch a specialized training program in Heavy Equipment Operation.

The training, lasting from September 14 to December 15, 2023, focused on Dump Truck Driving and Hydraulic Excavator Operation. One of the objectives of the training is to equip residents from the host communities of HMC with the necessary skills they can use in the mining and construction industries.

A total of 47 host community residents have joined the training program; with 38 residents coming from Barangay Talavera, eight from Sitio Bagong Silang, and one from Sitio Campandan. The participants, from the local communities surrounding HMC's operations, have undergone rigorous training sessions conducted by experienced instructors and industry professionals.

Benefits to the Training Participants

Clariza R. Atillo, a resident of Sitio Bagong Silang, detailed how beneficial the training was for her and her fellow trainees saying that the training helped her practice self-discipline, which she can also share with her family, particularly with her kids.

She also added that “the lectures during the training, especially the safety aspect can also be applied to our daily lives. I am also grateful for the allowance HMC has provided during the training. It helped us with our daily expenses”

Josephine R. Gemparo also shared the same sentiments, “as a trainee, what I have undergone helped me. I was able to learn the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude. I am also thankful that I was able to complete the training and earn an NC II certificate despite the hardships and the challenges. My family was my inspiration to succeed, thank you HMC for the opportunity.”

For Nicole D. Mesias, the training has provided her with the chance to learn new skills and widen her driving knowledge. She also viewed the training as a way for her to help her family in the future saying, “This training helps not only me but also my family because I can use the skills I learned to support my family soon.”

Jessce Q. Japay, a resident of Barangay Talavera, also viewed the training similarly saying: “The training helped me gain new knowledge and skills. This will be beneficial to me and my family since I can use what I have learned to help my family in the future. They are the reason why I wanted to learn the skills in training. They are my inspiration, I want to help them.”

Grateful NC Holders

Nicole D. Mesias was very grateful to HMC and TESDA for conducting free training for the community, “I'm very glad they gave us the chance to get the opportunity to learn new skills. I'm also happy that even though we are not College graduates there are opportunities provided for us. Thank you very much HMC and to all the people behind this project.”

Jezreel C. Vanzuela, a resident of Barangay Talavera, was likewise thankful for the opportunity provided by HMC. “The training HMC and TESDA have provided helped me learn how to drive and operate a vehicle. It helped me earn an NC II certificate.”

Josephine R. Gemparo was not only grateful to HMC and TESDA but also was thankful to the ComRel personnel of HMC and the staff of TESDA, “Thank you to the staff of ComRel and TESDA for helping us from the start of our training until the day we earned the NC II certification. We would not have completed it without your guidance and support.”

“The NC II certification opened up new opportunities that would not have been possible without the help of HMC and TESDA,” said Clariza R. Atillo adding that “Our skills and knowledge were improved and allowed us to be hired as drivers. Drivers have a higher salary compared to others, which would help with our daily expenses. I am hoping that the mine life of HMC will be extended so that they can help more people and provide opportunities like what they have done with me and my NC II holder batch mates.”

Commitment to Community Development

“Creating opportunities for residents to earn skills and secure gainful employment is one of the commitments HMC has with our host communities,” said ComRel Supervisor Romen John G. Libaste.

“The program was designed to not only enhance the participants' technical skills but also to instill a strong sense of safety awareness and professionalism in their approach to operating vehicles and heavy equipment,” Libaste added.

Community Development Coordinator Myline B. Ragas, also added that “the collaboration with TESDA, demonstrates the commitment of the company to fostering local talent and investing in the development of the communities where we operate. By equipping residents with valuable skills and knowledge, the training program opens doors to sustainable livelihoods and career advancement opportunities for the beneficiaries.”

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