The many lives changed by the Nickel Asia Corporation (NAC) medical and surgical missions are not only seen in the awe-inspiring stories of patients, but also in the positive transformation that is brought to the lives of the men and women who bring the cure, the healing, and the joy.

The many lives changed by the Nickel Asia Corporation (NAC) medical and surgical missions are not only seen in the awe-inspiring stories of patients, but also in the positive transformation that is brought to the lives of the men and women who bring the cure, the healing, and the joy.

Indeed, one's kindness and compassion often bring happiness and the realization of the true meaning of life. In this case, not only is the receiver blessed but the giver as well.


Such was the feeling shared by Dr. Robinsons Baron, a surgeon in the medical team who was in tears during the opening of the mission on February 11, 2019 at Provincial Hospital in Bad-as, Placer, Surigao del Norte.

Dr. Baron said he saw first-hand how a spark of selfless act can bring a tremendous change on the life of a person.

He told a story about a patient who came to the mission a long time ago, a kid who could barely walk because of a debilitating disease. He was the surgeon assigned to do a procedure on the child, who got better that he managed to walk again.

That kid was on this year's mission again--not as a patient but now as a doctor-volunteer in the mission.

His name is Dr. Cesar Mata.

Dr. Baron said “My son Dr. Cesar Mata” (referring to the child who once he treated and now a doctor and a missionary) is a living testimony of the mission's importance in delivering treatment to people who could not otherwise have afforded it on their own.”

“I’m on my 19th year of being a surgeon and I wish I can extend more of my time and years for the mission so I can help many people," Dr. Baron said.

In a way, Dr. Baron also speaks for the other surgeons on the team, who have dedicated their time and effort for the mission for so many years.


Another volunteer whose dedication is hard to miss is Amada Binga, a barangay health worker in Barangay Sta. Rita in the coastal town of Cagdianao in Dinagat Islands.

For years, Amada has contributed her time and effort during the annual NAC-wide medical and surgical missions.

“Without the medical mission initiated by the NAC-CMC, the lives of many people who were desperately needing help would not have changed,” Amada said.

Amada started her volunteering work with the mission in 2015, dutifully assisting patients traveling from her hometown Cagdianao to the venue in mainland Surigao del Norte until they can all get the treatment or procedures they needed.

Amada was one who assisted the three members of the Recto family, who had cases of serious cleft lip and cleft palate.

The journey of the three Rectos—father, Dannyson Recto and sons Daryl and Darwin—began in 2015 when they were brought to the mission.

Fours year later, the family no longer had to suffer being subjected to bullying and other forms of discrimination—especially the siblings Daryl and Darwin who previously got into fights because of their conditions.

As Amada can attest, the procedure also changed the father, Dennyson, for the better, as he quit smoking and drinking. She said Dannyson is now more motivated than ever to give his sons a better future.

Amada's work does not end there, as she also conducts post-op care and and follow-up on patients for some needed check-up.

"Sometimes it comes down to choosing either my family or the patients, but I have to serve the patients because they need special care, and my family understands that," Amada said.


For the 2019 NAC-wide medical-surgical mission, CMC brought in 44 patients who underwent the necessary procedures.

Of the total, 13 were considered major cases involving cleft lip and palate, hemorrhoids, varicocele left testis, nasal polyp, goiter and parotid gland adenoma.

A total of eight patients also underwent minor operations for knee problems and sebaceous cyst.

At least 23 patients had their procedures deferred after the physical and laboratory screening determined that they are not yet fit for operation.

Hopefully, these patients can get the needed procedures next year along with other individuals whose lives will certainly change for the better under the caring and compassionate hands of the NAC medical and surgical team.

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