In a heartfelt display of environmental stewardship, employees of Nickel Asia Corp. (NAC) have taken the lead in expanding mangrove reforestation efforts across three key areas of Bulacan. Their dedication to preserving coastal ecosystems underscores NAC's unwavering commitment to sustainable practices and community engagement.

In a heartfelt display of environmental stewardship, employees of Nickel Asia Corp. (NAC) have taken the lead in expanding mangrove reforestation efforts across three key areas of Bulacan.

Their dedication to preserving coastal ecosystems underscores NAC's unwavering commitment to sustainable practices and community engagement.

The recent planting of an additional 150 mangrove seedlings in Malolos, Hagonoy, and Paombong amplifies NAC's ongoing initiative, which has already seen over 32,000 seedlings take root in these coastal communities.

This proactive approach to conservation aligns with NAC's broader mission to nurture and protect the natural environment in which it operates.

This ambitious endeavor was catalyzed by the inaugural NAC Sustainability Run, a groundbreaking event that brought together participants from Manila, Palawan, and Surigao to promote environmental awareness and collective action.

For every individual who took part in the run, NAC pledged to plant 15 mangrove seedlings, resulting in the significant reforestation effort witnessed in Bulacan and beyond.

Beyond the numbers, this initiative symbolizes the collective pride and sense of responsibility shared by NAC employees.

Their dedication to making a tangible difference in their communities reflects not only their professional ethos but also their commitment to leaving a positive legacy for future generations.

As one NAC employee aptly stated, "Proud of who we are, proud of what we do." This sentiment encapsulates the spirit of NAC's employees, who view environmental stewardship as an integral part of their identity and purpose.

Their actions serve as a testament to the power of collective effort and the profound impact that individuals can have when united by a common cause.

Moving forward, NAC remains steadfast in its commitment to sustainable practices and community partnerships.

By harnessing the passion and dedication of its employees, the company continues to lead by example, inspiring others to join in the vital work of protecting and preserving our natural world.

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