When one thinks of the mining industry, images of men in hard hats and work boots often come to mind. But at Taganito Mining Corporation (TMC) – a subsidiary of natural resources development firm Nickel Asia Corporation (NAC) – women are empowered in breaking down stereotypes and proving that gender should never be a barrier to success.

When one thinks of the mining industry, images of men in hard hats and work boots often come to mind. But at Taganito Mining Corporation (TMC) – a subsidiary of natural resources development firm Nickel Asia Corporation (NAC) – women are empowered in breaking down stereotypes and proving that gender should never be a barrier to success.

With 140 female employees, 111 of which are regular employees, TMC recognizes the crucial role of women in the mining industry, and they are committed to creating a workplace that values diversity and inclusivity.

To show its commitment, TMC has implemented several programs, beginning with the foundation of the Women in TMC Service (WITS) in the early 2000s.

In celebration of Women's Month this March with the theme, “We for gender equality and inclusive society,” WITS led a month-long series of activities that left a mark on the women who participated.

From financial literacy seminars to movie screenings, the events showcased TMC's commitment to recognizing the contributions of women in the workplace.

The financial literacy seminar was a hit among WITS members, who left with new-found knowledge on managing their finances.

The guest speakers, Gina P. Tac-an and Elena E. Torrecampo, both finance mavens, shared their expertise on budgeting, saving, and investing, leaving the women feeling more empowered and in control of their financial futures.

TMC's commitment to preventing sexual harassment in the workplace was also evident in its seminar on RA 11313 or the Safe Spaces Act (also known as the Bawal Bastos Law).

The seminar educated employees on the importance of creating safe spaces for women and the proper conduct to prevent sexual harassment. It served as a reminder that TMC's dedication to gender equality goes beyond lip service.

Additionally, the movie screening of Legally Blonde supplied with endless popcorn provided a much-needed respite from the daily grind. It was a simple gesture that went a long way in showing the women that TMC values their well-being and recognizes the importance of work-life balance.

The lighthearted story of Elle Woods navigating law school with her pink outfits and chihuahua in tow not only added a touch of humor to the event, but also served as a powerful symbol of women dominating their field without changing themselves. Elle's unwavering self-confidence, intelligence, and determination inspired the attendees and reminded them that success can be achieved by staying true to oneself.

Throughout the month, several Zumba sessions were a high-energy affair that got everyone moving and sweating. The women who participated left feeling invigorated and refreshed, and it was a testament to TMC's commitment to promoting wellness and fitness among its employees.

Finally, the culmination program, which featured various talents and skills of the women from dancing to singing, was the highlight of the month-long celebration. This highly anticipated event brought everyone together for a day of friendly competition and camaraderie.

Another significant moment during the culmination of the program was the election of the new set of officers.

Jewel Jade R. Procia emerged as the new president of WITS with Thelma L. Cuadrillero as vice president, Joyce Engreso as secretary, Gina P. Tac-an as treasurer, Elena E. Torrecampo as auditor, and Jecell G. Azucenas as PIO.

Together, these officers will play a crucial role in advancing the goals of WITS and ensuring that the organization remains an effective champion for gender equality and inclusivity in the workplace.

Indeed, TMC's Women's Month celebration was a resounding success. It was a reminder of the company's commitment to empowering and recognizing the contributions of women in the workplace.

TMC has set the bar high, and it will be exciting to see how they will continue to raise it in the future.

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