Taganito Mining Corporation (TMC) celebrates the month of June as Environment Month.

Taganito Mining Corporation (TMC) celebrates the month of June as Environment Month.

This is in fulfilment of the mandate of the Philippine government to raise awareness on environmental issues such as wildlife destruction; air, water, and land pollution; and climate change.

For Environment Month 2022, different activities were organized by the company for the whole month of June to address the aforementioned common environmental issues.

TMC conducted tree planting and plogging (wherein plastic wastes were collected while participants were running) during the kick-off of the month-long celebration.

Information, Education, and Communication through the help of social media was also initiated to raise awareness on the protection and conservation of the Philippine Eagle.

Underwater activities in line with the Coral Triangle Day Celebration and SCUBAsurero for World Ocean Day were conducted and participated by partner agencies like the PENRO-SDN, PNP-Maritime Caraga, and PCG-SDN.

The company also participated during the tree planting activity initiated by DENR Caraga in celebration of the National Arbor Day. Lastly, to combat desertification and drought, the company distributed vegetables to its employees which were harvested from its Umahan Sa Minahan managed by the environmental department of the company.

Since environmental protection and preservation cannot be done by the company alone, community members and company contractors were invited to participate in the individual and group contests such as Quiz Bowl, Mr. and Ms. Kalikasan Amazing Race, Photography Contest, and Environmental Jingle Contest.

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