As part of its commitment to contribute to local economy, Taganito Mining Corporation (TMC), a subsidiary of Nickel Asia Corporation (NAC), handed over its tax payments amounting to P75.5 million to the municipality of Claver.

As part of its commitment to contribute to local economy, Taganito Mining Corporation (TMC), a subsidiary of Nickel Asia Corporation (NAC), handed over its tax payments amounting to P75.5 million to the municipality of Claver.

The payments consist of P 65,329,304.37 million in Business Tax and P10,169,769.60 in Real Property Tax which were handed last December 14, 2020 and January 20, 2021, respectively.

The handover of tax payments was led by Mine Accountant Cristy Mae Comandante-Pariño, Division Manager Salvador Cabauatan and Comrel Manager Roel Paniza.

On behalf of Claver LGU, the tax payments were received by Municipal Treasurer Caryl Cagas-Lukban, in the presence of Municipal Administrator Atty. Jeffrey Galido and Sanggunian Bayan members.

TMC Resident Mine Manager Artemio E. Valeroso said, the mining firm is committed to creating a positive impact in its host and neighboring communities by ensuring timely payment of taxes which translates into projects and services for the community.

“This is on top of our Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program funds,” Valeroso said.

Cagas-Lukban, Municipal Treasurer, acknowledged the commitment of TMC in paying its taxes religiously.

“The taxes paid by the mining company to the municipality are of big help since these will be used for the various projects of the local government for its people,” she said.

Based on data from the Commission on Audit consolidating the total assets of LGUs in 2019, the mining town of Claver ranked 1st among the richest municipalities in Mindanao with P 1.91 billion worth of assets. Meanwhile, Surigao del Norte ranked 6th among the richest provinces in the country with P 16.68 billion worth of assets.

TMC is a four-time awardee of the Philippine Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative for Excellence in Reporting of payments made to the government.

TMC also ranked 14th among the Department of Finance’s list of Top 500 taxpayers who filed their income tax returns ahead of the deadlines which were deferred due to lockdowns during the pandemic.

In response to the coronovirus pandemic, TMC has mobilized over P 19.1 million to extend relief goods, medical supplies, test kits and other assistance to its host and neighboring communities in the province of Surigao del Norte.

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