Community Relations Manual

At NAC, we go beyond compliance and embrace Responsible Mining as a core commitment to our stakeholders. Our social programs are implemented through two key channels: the Social Development Management Program (SDMP), which covers mandatory social expenditures, and our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The SDMP focuses on three major areas: Development of Host and Neighboring Communities (DHNC), Information, Education, and Communication (IEC), and Development of Mining Technology and Geosciences (DMTG).

Our Community Relations (ComRel) policy outlines the processes for planning and implementing these social programs, ensuring a comprehensive and impactful approach. This policy also includes provisions for monitoring, evaluation, and social impact assessment of the three major SDMP programs. By embracing Responsible Mining, we are committed to creating lasting positive change and empowering the communities that are integral to our operations.

Community Relations Manual