Safety Policy

NAC commits to eliminating all downgrading incidents in our operations by implementing a comprehensive occupational health and safety management system. This commitment is compliant with relevant laws and regulations. It is consistent with our policy of ensuring the well-being and safety of our employees, service contractors, suppliers, visitors, host communities, and other stakeholders, as well as the security of our assets and information.

NAC management will continuously institute discipline and accountability by following and developing the highest standards of safety and health to prevent injuries, illnesses, and damage to properties and equipment. With this undertaking, management will perform regular safety audits to verify the program's effectiveness and introduce relevant improvements.

All NAC employees and business partners are therefore obliged to adhere to this policy and to make safety our way of life. This policy will be communicated to all NAC subsidiaries to ensure the full commitment and cooperation of all employees.

Download file: NAC safety policy

NAC Safety Performance Overview (2021-2023)

This report outlines the safety performance related to accidents, specifically focusing on Incident Rates (IR) and Frequency Rates (FR) over the years 2021 to 2023.

Incident Rate (IR): This represents the number of Non-Lost Time Accidents (NLTA), including personnel injuries and property damage, multiplied by one million and divided by man-hours worked.

IR = (Accidents × 1,000,000) / Man-hours

Frequency Rate (FR): This rate reflects the number of Lost Time Accidents (LTA) multiplied by one million and divided by man-hours worked.

FR = (LTA × 1,000,000) / Man-hours

IR and FR 2021-2023

Incident Rate (IR):
The IR has declined from 4.93 in 2021 to 3.29 in 2023. This trend indicates an improvement in overall safety performance, suggesting that the measures implemented during these years have been effective in reducing accidents.

Frequency Rate (FR):
The FR was maintained at 0 from 2022 to 2023. This means that no lost time accidents occurred during these years.
The safety performance for the years 2021 to 2023 highlights a reduction in both the Incident Rate and Frequency Rate. This data shows Nickel Asia Corporation’s commitment to creating a safer working environment, minimizing the risk of accidents, and promoting employee well-being.