Employee Diversity

NAC promulgated its official Policy on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusivity, which is aligned with the UN SDG on Gender Equality

The policy encompasses a range of explicit commitments that include ensuring diversity within NAC’s leadership and in the entire organization, and a commitment to hire and promote employees based on merit and performance. Rooted in the Company’s values, the policy is designed to guarantee a safe and respectful work environment, free from harassment or discrimination.

Implementation rollout includes comprehensive training to equip employees with the necessary tools and understanding of diversity, equality, and inclusivity. The policy also advocates and encourages stakeholders, joint venture partners, subsidiaries, affiliates, partnerships, and supply chain members to adopt similar diversity, equality, and inclusion policies.

NAC is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer hiring and promoting individuals based on merit and qualifications, without discrimination or bias based on race, gender, age, religion, or political affiliation. Job advertisements emphasize the Company's commitment to these principles, and both job advertisements and job descriptions are crafted with gender-neutral language.

As part of its commitment to closing the gender gap, NAC encourages and are open to accepting qualified female applicants for technical roles that have traditionally been dominated by male personnel. Information on opportunities is available and open to everyone through bulletin boards, online platforms, and social media portals, as well as government agency programs and job fairs (PESO, DOLE, LGUs, BLGUs, TESDA).

NAC Policy on Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equality

NAC Human Rights Policy in the Workplace